

nintendo switch

2024 quietly slipped away in the first half of the year.

Time flies, and half of 2024 has passed without me realizing it.

For me, 2024 is almost like a brand new year, with a new work environment and a new rhythm of life, all because I joined a new company last October.

New Job#

Counting from the time I joined the current company, it's almost been a year, which is also the first step for me to officially enter the encryption industry as a enthusiast. I am also very grateful to @diygod and @xlog for giving me the opportunity to learn what problems a developer needs to solve in the crypto field, and gradually start learning the knowledge in this industry.

After entering this industry, I went from being excited about receiving U as part of my salary at the beginning, to experiencing FOMO for missed opportunities, and then to restoring my enthusiasm for learning new technologies through these economic activities.

Although the salary for this job may not be very attractive at the moment, it may be the first step to get out of the competitive environment in China. Maybe.

Actually, in this industry, mentality is the most important thing. There are always people jumping between heaven and hell. It's great to keep your original intention and focus on technology.

New Life#

Since I used to live with colleagues, after changing jobs, I rented a single room and started living alone.

And because I am in Hangzhou, I have the option to work from home for two fixed days out of the five working days (if I apply to work remotely from Wenzhou, it should also be possible). So, most of the time, I stay at home. I, who used to be very messy, occasionally feel annoyed by the messy environment and start organizing and cleaning the room.

At the same time, I started the journey of cooking for myself. Cooking is really similar to coding, it's a truly creative work! Except for the cleaning afterwards!

Also, because of my weight, I started simple exercises. Sometimes I go downstairs for a walk in the evening, and occasionally participate in hiking activities organized by my colleagues. Very occasionally, I even play badminton with my colleagues. I will record this part of my life in the future if I have the chance 😁

Focus and Learning#

I am still continuously learning about blockchain-related knowledge. In fact, my understanding is still relatively shallow. Many times, I need to understand new requirements before I can start working on them 😩 I only have a general understanding of many things.

Because CSB has opened up my horizonsand also brought me the opportunity for my first airdrop in life, I am paying attention to the price of RSS3~~, but the recent trend is not good, the team needs to work harder 😭~~

I had a plan to rebuild my blog based on CSB, but I temporarily put it aside to look at the TON ecosystem due to yak shaving. I should refine this idea in a while.

There is also the TON ecosystem. I tried developing TON smart contracts using Tact and even created a prettier plugin (which helped me understand the development of prettier plugins XD).

Plans for the Second Half of the Year#

Continuous Focus on the TON Ecosystem#

It all started with an internal sharing session about TON. I became curious and started some simple experiments with the TON ecosystem. With the support of Telegram and the rise of NOT, as well as the increase in TVL, the future looks promising! XD.

Actually, I don't have a deep understanding of the EVM ecosystem (I don't understand it at all), so why not take a look at something new and see if there are any opportunities to seize? 😎

The TON ecosystem is still very new for both developers and users. Moreover, many of the libraries provided by the official are still very basic. This provides a lot of room for developers who want to participate in ecosystem construction.

Is it worse to develop a mini-program for global users on Telegram than to develop a mini-program for domestic users on WeChat?

Take Care of My Health#

I just had my annual physical examination on June 30th. Although the report hasn't come out yet, overall, there shouldn't be much change. Some indicators are not good due to weight issues, so overall, I need to lose weight! I must control my diet and exercise regularly in the second half of the year!

I made a bet with my family at the beginning of the year to reach my goal weight before the Chinese New Year. I will work hard to achieve this goal.

Play the Game "Hei Hou"#

I hope I won't be one of those gamers who didn't pre-order "Hei Hou", right?

Just waiting for August 20th. Still have to wait for more than a month, it's torturous. But in a few days, I can also experience the ZZZ game from Xiaomi. I usually play games for a while and then abandon them, so it will be a simple experience.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of action games or even the Souls series, but I do want to try the quality of the first domestic AAA game. Looking forward to it.


Although xLog will provide an AI-generated summary, let me just say a few words. This year is a brand new year, and the overall pace has slowed down. I have more free time now, and I don't have to rush to complete many things like before. My family won't bring much economic pressure for the time being, and my savings are slowly growing.

But I actually feel quite idle and lost. Sometimes I just drift through life without a clear direction. In my spare time, I play games and occasionally contribute to the open-source community. I hope to find some activities to enrich my leisure time in the second half of the year.

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