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The Booming Era of Sniper God - The Esports Dream of Grassroots

London ALGS has also come to an end, and I stayed up late to watch the group stage live as a stinky gamer. My friends around me may know that I also pay attention to the APEX esports circle, although it is called an esports circle, it may only be a circle of streamers (bitter smile).

Memories of Esports#

Speaking of esports, my earliest memory of this term - probably the same as most people of my age - is the Emperor Sky, Li Xiaofeng.

It was probably during my childhood, whenever I went to the internet cafe with my classmates, we would always play games like War3 or CF. Later, I don't know which corner I heard about Li Ge's deeds, although it had been some time since the Emperor lost the WCG Triple Crown.


Sky's dream-chasing story, his growth story, the inspirational part has been talked about enough here. From the initial disappointment of StarCraft to the fame of Warcraft, in the era when esports was not well-regarded, when they became professional players, they fought for their own lives and beliefs, leaving a vivid mark in the wilderness of esports development.

The turbulent fate of Chinese Apex#

Similarly, Chinese Apex players, who come from grassroots backgrounds, have entered the highest level of offline tournaments in this game solely based on their love and talent, and even without formal training and systematic competition practice. This in itself can be called a miracle.

Apex still does not have a domestic region, and there are almost no decent esports environments in China. However, because of its excellent quality, Apex still has a player base that has allowed the growth of domestic esports events in a healthy way.

Even the Chinese teams affiliated with the Asia-Pacific South region have qualified for the offline tournaments of ALGS, with MDYw bidding farewell to the 32nd place in the world; DF bidding farewell to the 25th place in the world. Although not outstanding results, this is the first time in Chinese history that teams have participated in such a high-level competition.

Their performance on the field has also impressed many viewers, and their participation and efforts have provided examples and motivation for other Chinese players.

Failure means you have tried hard 😭 On the road of esports, every failure is a valuable experience. Only by constantly summarizing and improving can better results be achieved. I hope the efforts and persistence of Chinese players will pave a bright future for Chinese esports.

Believe in the future#

Believe that London is not the end, the stories of grassroots players will definitely continue! Come back stronger next time.

Finally, may CNAPEX be blessed! Always victorious! Bask in glory!

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